Roll Up Your Sleeves and Do It Yourself

Roll Up Your Sleeves and Do It Yourself

At Poplar, we are all about being more responsible and sustainable with our food waste solutions. One of the most sustainable solutions is to compost right in your very own backyard or outdoor space. It’s a planet-friendly practice that creates nutrient-rich soil for your garden and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. It’s truly a win-win. 

If you’re interested in the DIY path, here are some recommendations to help you get started.

1. Choose the right location:  Composting requires a space that is well-drained and receives a good amount of sunlight. Choose an area that is not right up against the house. It’s also a good idea to choose a spot that is easily accessible, so you can easily add new materials and turn the pile. This location can be one you build yourself or a bin that you purchase to house your compost process. Check out our list of recommended at-home composting bins over on our blog, The Dirt.

2. Decide on your method: There are several methods of composting, including traditional composting, vermicomposting, and Bokashi composting. Traditional composting involves creating a pile of organic matter and allowing it to decompose naturally. Vermicomposting uses worms to break down organic matter, while Bokashi composting involves fermenting food waste in an airtight container. Research these methods to see which one is best suited for your needs. 

3. Gather materials: To start composting, you’ll need a mix of “green” and “brown” materials. This shouldn’t be hard if you are frequently using your Poplar Smart Bin to collect your waste daily. Green materials include things like fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and grass clippings. Brown materials include dry leaves, twigs, and newspaper. Aim for a ratio of 2 parts brown to 1 part green. 

4. Get started: Once you’ve gathered your materials, start layering them in your compost bin or pile. Keep the pile moist, but not too wet, and turn it every couple of weeks to ensure that all of the materials are breaking down evenly. Avoid adding meat, dairy, or fatty foods to your at home compost pile, as these can attract animals and slow down the decomposition process. If these are items you have a lot of, you may want to look into a curbside pickup service. You can find recommended haulers in your region on the Poplar app.

5. Garden with your hard earned black gold: After a few months, your compost should be ready to use in your garden or to fertilize your plants. Spread a thin layer of compost over your soil and mix it in to add nutrients and improve soil structure 

6. Feel good about your impact! Check you Poplar app to see how much you have diverted over time to make that nutrient rich soil and relish in the beauty of the process from counter to compost! 

With a little effort and patience, you can create nutrient-rich soil and contribute to a healthier planet. Thank you for being on this journey with Poplar!

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